Thursday, May 30, 2013

Moving Forward with IUI

I had my phone consultation w/ our RE and all-in-all it went well. He said all of the tests we've had done look great. Of course he thinks IVF is our best route since I apparently don't have many eggs left, but my hubby and I already decided that we don't necessarily want to do that - or at least don't want to jump to that immediately. We'd have to take out a loan to do it and with our student loan debt still going strong, I just don't feel like that's a smart idea.

So - we're choosing to move forward with an IUI. Of course, this irritates my husband beyond belief. We just spent $3500 on "unnecessary" tests just to turn around and do the same thing we were planning on doing 2 months ago. Kind of sad when you think of it that way, but that's what we had to do in order to move forward, so it's a done deal. I don't think it is worth thinking or stressing out about anymore.

Now we just have to decide if we want to do IUI + clomid or IUI + injectables. Clomid is MUCH cheaper. The injectables are between $1500-2000 per month, and that's just for the drugs alone. I was 100% ready to proceed w/ injectables until I heard this. That means every month we do an IUI we'd be investing around $3,000. That would add up fast and in my head I'm thinking that would make IVF a better option.

This is the toughest position to be in. While I'm grateful we are being given the chance to still conceive our own child, I hate the fact that cost has to factor in to our decision. If I had a choice, of course I'd do IVF. If I had a second choice, I'd do injectables. But -- neither are really financially possible right now.

I decided I would do the clomid IUI and in the meantime, I'd work as much overtime as I possibly could and maybe I could save up around $2,000 to put towards the injectables for the next cycle. It's going to suck, but it would be worth the sacrafice.

That's all for now!
OH! wait -- there's more. I asked him about my "heart shaped" uterus and he said he thinks the x-rays look very normal and he doesn't see anything abnormal about it. So heck yeah!! Nothing like stressing out for nothing.

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