Thursday, May 2, 2013

I hate you UMR

UGH.... I was told last week that our tests coming up would count towards our insurance deductible. Now I just received a phone call and she said she talked to another lady at UMR and NOTHING is covered.

And I quote... "If it is for medical needs, it is covered. If it is for fertility needs, it is not covered".


That makes sooooo much sense doesn't it?? For crying out loud... how is my body not able to have a baby because SOMETHING is wrong with it NOT medical. Why the **** do they think they can draw a line in the sand like that. It's just incredibly ridiculous.

I've never needed our medical insurance before, yet I pay in every damn month.... and now that I finally NEED it for something, oh yeah, sorry, you're not covered.

What is wrong with this country?!

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