Friday, February 15, 2013

Baby Shower Blues

Yup, I have a baby shower to go to tomorrow. But surprisingly, I'm not feeling sad about it. Don't get me wrong, I'm completely jealous that this friend of mine is having a baby in a month. She and I used to share stories of our struggles together. Yup, she's one of us....  She tried for a year. I remember when a year sounded like a long time. Now it's starting to sound further and further in the past and like less and less time. So yes, I am jealous of the fact that she gets her happily ever after. But she deserves it.... just like I deserve mine (someday).

It should be a fun little morning of girl time. I'm not really one for showers... I enjoy it when people do something different instead of the same ol same ol games and hooplah. I was looking at her registry (yes, I waited until the last minute) and I can't help but wonder what it was like for her to pick out all of those items. When did it actually sink in for her that she was really having a baby? When will I get to relish in that moment?


  1. Hey. I linked over to you from Katie's blog (For Lauren and Lauren...). Your thoughts and jealousy are completely normal. Not like you needed me to justify it. But I am anyway. I'm a fellow infertility girl. We've been at this for about 18 months. No bueno. Keep trucking along, and feel free to get in touch if you ever need to chat.

    1. Hi lo! I'm so happy you found me! The only thing that makes me feel better during this time is having others in the same situation to go thru the journey with. It is great hearing from you and I wish you all the luck in whatever your journey has ahead for you (BFP! BFP! BFP!) :-)

  2. i hope the shower went okay. I'm proud of you for going and being excited. jealousy and longing for it to be your time are completely normal. you are a great friend!

    1. Thank you, Katie! It feels so great to hear such encouraging comments from people. It is way too easy to feel alone at times, so thank you!
