Saturday, January 25, 2014

I Feel Like I'm Pregnant

But more in the giving-birth-in-12-months kind of way. Since my last post, I talked to my husband. I told him that I have really been rethinking the idea of IVF. When we first started all of this, we both said no-way-jose to IVF. The main reasons for that were the money, the invasiveness & the fact that it isn't a guarantee.

I found this website: and got pretty excited. It's wayyyy cheaper than the cost of IVF in our area PLUS you'd get to sit on a beach for the entire 2 weeks - heck yeah! So honestly, it changed my mind. I feel like I could save 6 or 7K this year and we could do this next year sometime. BUUUUT, my husband isn't as willing and eager as I am. Unfortunately when I suggested this idea, he responded with the fact that he'd still rather adopt over doing IVF. I'll be honest, my first reaction to this was a tiny bit of disappointment. The longer I've had to think about it, the more I feel he's right.

So as of right now, I can say that we'll be adopting some point in the next year or two. AHHH. Now, there's still a lot of researching and information that needs to be gathered. I'm hoping we can make appointments with a few agencies in the area and get more information. I'd also still like to get information on IVF and then sit down and compare the two once we know more about them. All I know is that the idea of having a baby - whether biological or not - excites the crap out of me. I have so much love to give.

So for once in a long time, I am looking forward to the future. We'll take this year to get our stuff in gear and finances figured out. And then, hopefully we can welcome home a new baby somehow someway.


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