There's something about fall that makes me sad I don't have a child. I think it's because it's the start of all of the fun family holidays... Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. I loved these holidays growing up but the fun part has slowly started to fade as I've gotten older. Things just aren't the same when you're the one responsible for buying all of the presents for people. HAHA. I've always thought that when I have kids, it'll bring some of the magic back to these holidays. I couldn't wait to share in their excitement like my mom used to do with me.
So I'm having one of those down kind of days today. Just wishing I could dress my little baby up in the cutest little leggings and long sleeve shirts and socks... keep them all bundled up in adorable fall outfits & warm winter jammies. Cuddle them at night as I feed them a bottle. All of those things that I may never experience.
This is when I remind myself of my brother & sister-in-law. They are getting married in about a month and will be getting on the conceiving train immediately. I'm grateful that they live in town, so I'll actually have some family that I can be close with.... some nieces and nephews I can be close with. I can't wait for that. It actually was something I was secretly dreading for a while. I wasn't sure how I would react and I really didn't want to be jealous or upset that she was pregnant and I was not. I hate having those feelings. I think now that I'm on the road to accepting our fate, it makes it easier to embrace these changes that will occur someday. I can now look at their child as someone I can take care of and spoil. ......................annnnnnnd hand back when it starts crying hysterically. HAHA.
Good thing the holiday season is busy!
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