Monday, July 1, 2013


So I'm only 10 days past the IUI right now and I have to say that the wait is officially driving me crazy. They want you to wait until at least 14 days to take a test but the closer that day gets, the more and more I want to test early.

I'm not feeling anything right now besides bloating (really big belly!) & gas.... well, and sleepiness I guess, but I'm always sleepy. And the bloating could be the result of the gas. I'm thinking I might be out this cycle because I really expected to be feeling a little soreness in my boobs and all that fun stuff. I'm having a little cramping right now, but did I mention I have gas? (haha)... so it is probably just from that. Hard to tell but you can make your mind think anything.

Gosh I hope this is it.... I really really do. It would be such an amazing feeling. I belong to an IUI support group & nobody on there waits to test. Lots of ladies tested early and lots have gotten faint lines that continue to get darker as the days go on. I want that so badly! Good thing I dread the negative result or I'd be testing every day.

Well, 4 more days.... I can do this.


  1. I'm so excited for you!! I know how hard it is to wait another four days, but you obviously have strong willpower!

    1. That's so nice! Thank you so much for the support Joan! Did you struggling w/ this process as well?
